
About us

Hicle, experts in hiking and cycling

Who or what is Hicle?

Cycling and walking; that is our passion. And we do everything we can to stimulate and promote these sustainable forms of transport and recreation at home and abroad. Through events, through websites, lectures, conferences, blogs, magazines and by providing advice on projects in the tourism industry.

Hicle’s story started almost twenty years ago with the first edition of the “Fiets en Wandelbeurs” (Hike & Bike Xperience) in the Netherlands. This gradually grew into the largest event in Europe for cyclists and walkers. Other Hicle Events followed, such as the Fiets en Wandelbeurs in Belgium and the E-bike Challenge in Belgium and the United States.

We had the wind in our backs. More and more people are taking to cycling and walking and embracing a more active and sustainable lifestyle. The specialists at Hicle are happy to contribute to this development, together with our partners from the cycling and walking world.

After twenty years, Hicle’s story is far from over; there is still a world to be won in the field of cycling and walking.

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