promotion packages fiets en wandelbeurs

Promotion packages exhibitors 

Get even more out of your participation by using one of the cost-effective promo packages. This will enable you to generate maximum exposure with optimum returns. Before, during and after the event.

Hicle, the organizer of the Fiets en Wandelbeurs, reaches a broad target group of cyclists and hikers in the Netherlands via various channels.

Some examples of promotion:

  • an item in the Fiets en Wandelbeurs newsletter

  • a dedicated Fiets en Wandelbeurs newsletter

  • your holiday offer on

  • an advertisement in the special fair edition Wandelmagazine/Bike explorer

  • sponsoring the cycling course, a lecture room, activity at the fair

  • your logo on the floorplan of the fair

  • hire a room for a presentation about your destination/product

You can also find an overview of the possibilities in the Dutch/English pdf about our promotion packages.

Would you like more information about the promotion options and rates?
Send us an email at .