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Germany theme country

Germany theme country


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8th November 2019


Germany theme country

Cycling and walking in our eastern neighbour will be the centre of attention during the ‘Fiets en Wandelbeurs’ in Utrecht, because Germany has been chosen as theme country for the 16th edition. The event takes place on February 28th, and 29th. and March 1st in the Jaarbeurs.

Germany is the ideal destination for an active holiday in Mother Nature. Did you know for example, that no less than one third of the total surface area is designated as nature conservation zones? 16 national parks, 105 nature parks and 16 UNESCO-biosphere reserves are just waiting to be discovered. Which can be done perfectly on the more than 200,000 kilometres of walking routes or on the more than 200 long-distance cycle routes. Furthermore, Germany is very affordable and nearby as well, so that holidaymakers can limit their ecological footprint as well. Germany has been the number one holiday destination for Dutch people for more than 10 years.

A lifetime’s worth of walking routes

With its popular long-distance routes such as the Rheinhöhen-Weg, Moselsteig, Harzer-Hexenstieg, Goldsteig or the Rennsteig through the Thüringer Woud, no serious walker or hiker can afford to miss Germany. Do you know about ‘Die Wilde Endert’ route, for instance? This 21 km long route in Rhineland-Pfalz has been nominated by readers of the German ‘Wandermagazin’ to be the best day trip in Germany. First place in the multi-day trip category was awarded to the ‘ZweiTälerSteig’ in the Black Forest. Good signposting and excellent ‘walker friendly’ accommodation along the route contribute to the holiday pleasure.

Germany on two wheels

Cyclists too can find a varied selection of cycling routes over the border in Germany, that are increasingly responding to the trend towards e-bikes. The riverside routes are becoming particularly popular. The Weser-Radweg, Elbe Radweg and the Donau Radweg have acquired a near legendary status, just like the Ostseeküsten-Radweg, running alongside the rivers Weser, Elbe, Danube and the Baltic coast respectively. Just over the border from the Netherlands, you can enjoy a cycling holiday with optimal provisions, as in the Ruhr area, Münsterland and on the Nieder Rhine. And if you take the Oranjefietsroute ( Orange cycle route) you cross the border anyway, from Apeldoorn to Lingen, or on the new trajectory from Apeldoorn to Moers, which opened this year. The Bett+Bike sign has been specially developed for bicycling holidaymakers. Accommodation displaying this sign will always have safe storage space for your bicycle and there will be materials for repairs available.

Readings and presentations

Many aspects of Germany as a destination for cycling or walking holidays will be brought to the fore comprehensively at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs. Experienced travellers will take you along on their trips in the lecture programme. Regions will present their most attractive routes in the ‘Duitsland’ pavilion. And anyone wishing to take a break after absorbing all these fresh impressions, can do so on the Theme country terrace where German specialities will be on the menu.


For information about the Fair:

For information about Germany: