Hicle's Meet & Greet
During the Online Experience, we also create an online networking moment for professionals in the tourism industry. This will take place on Friday 23 April between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., immediately after the first event day for consumers.
Visit to the stand
During this networking moment, the exhibitors are present in their own booth. From 4 p.m. on Friday, interested professionals have the opportunity to connect to them and chat or video call with them.
Digital networking moment
How it all works exactly? This is the same as with contacts with the consumers at the event. Exhibitors can chat or video call with B2B visitors. Via the option "share screen", they can easily show maps, brochures or other information material.
The B2B visitors
We invite the press, tour operators and other business relations to visit this networking moment. After registration, they gain access to Hicle's Meet & Greet via a login code.
Opening time
Of course we would like to introduce this Meet & Greet personally. The kick-off of this meeting is at 4 pm in the online workshop room.
More information
Would you like more information about the Meet & Greet? Send an email to .