Floor plan online event

An impression of the floor plan of the first online edition in 2021. 
Find out more about the activities in the halls / spaces of the online event below.

fair plan online event


From the main Online Experience floor plan, visitors can click through to the exhibition hall, to individual stands, but also to sub-spaces (see sub-space Hicle Vacation) and then to individual stands.

stands at the Online Experience

Lay out

The following halls / spaces can be visited:


receptie online event

Here we welcome the visitor in Fiets en Wandelbeurs style.

Exhibition hall

floor plan with stands

The visitor can look around on the floor plan and choose which stands they would like to explore.


voorbeeld virtuele stand

This is an example of a stand, you can put all relevant information in your stand. Your photo will be visible when you are online to video (chat). On the 23rd and 24th of April you can log-in at your virtual stand and you will get a notification when someone is trying to reach you. This could be through chat, a call or video-call. 

Presentation room

Lezingzaal plattegrond

On set times we will show presentations in the presentation rooms. The visitor can attend these online and ask questions in the chat. 

Workshop room

Online workshop

On set times there will be fun workshops for the visitors. This can be cooking workshops, GPS, yoga etc.

Meet the experts

Meet the experts 

Experienced cyclists and hikers give information on different countries, cycling with children and other topics.

Fiets en Wandelcafé (Hike & Bike Café)

het fiets en wandelbeurs cafe

Visitors can come in contact with other cycle and hike enthusiasts and participate in fun activities such as a quiz. At the end of the event we will organize drinks and networking. It is possible to chat with a maximum of 50 people at the same ‘table’.