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The Stellingenpad is Hiking Route of the Year 2023

The Stellingenpad is Hiking Route of the Year 2023

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February 18, 2023



Stellingenpad is 'best hiking route in the Benelux' 2023


The Stellingenpad in the Netherlands has been elected as Hiking Route of the Year 2023. The jury announced this on the first day of the Fiets en Wandelbeurs in Ghent, Belgium.


The Nivon Natuurvrienden route was chosen from a shortlist of five candidates. In addition to the Stellingenpad, the Betuwepad (NL), the GRP 161 Tour du Pays de Bouillon (BE), the Heuvelrughike (NL) and National Park Trail (BE) also competed for the honorary title. Only routes that mainly run in Belgium, the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg were eligible.


Path through the Stellingwerven

The Stellingenpad is the newest Nivon path and leads through a quiet and often undiscovered area: the Stellingwerven, a region in the Netherlands. This region extends across Southeast Friesland, the western edge of Drenthe and the Kop van Overijssel. De Stellingwerven have their own history, language and culture. The more than 260 kilometer long regional hiking trail leads through the Drents-Friese Wold, along the Weerribben and to fortified towns on the former Zuiderzee in Overijssel. The path has 15 stages of 12 to 28 km and is mapped out via the national hiking junction network.


Plus points winning route

The jury praised the solid and practical signage via junctions, the exceptionally beautiful and detailed guide, the original theme and the extensively described historical background. She also saw the fact that the path runs through two national parks – the Drents-Friese Wolden National Park and the Weerribben–Wieden National Park – as an important plus.


The Stellingenpad is the successor to the Hondsrugpad in the Netherlands, the Hiking Route of the Year 2022. More information about the Hiking Route of the Year 2023: