April, 2022
E-bike Challenge introduces new bicyclists to the latest e-bikes
MINNEAPOLIS — Despite the lingering pandemic and supply shortages, the E-bike Challenge returned to the Minneapolis Convention Center on April 2 & 3. The event offered consumers the opportunity to compare and test ride the latest in electric bicycle technology. Offering a wide range of e-bikes, or "pedal-assist" bikes, attendees could determine the quality of their choices on the large test track.
With many first-time bicycle riders to E-bike Challenge, attendees came ready to learn and buy the latest pedal-assist technology from the show floor. Or set an appointment with a local bike shop after the event, as the exhibitors reported.
The E-bike Challenge event managed to reach a target audience that has been out of reach in the bicycle industry in the past. Almost half of the attendees (42%) had never ridden on an electric-assist bicycle before. Most famous for test rides were the Commuter Style Bikes (30% of the test rides) and Road Bikes for city and recreation (22%). And a third remarkable characteristic was the age distribution, with 37% between the ages of 55 and 65 years. Most of the attendees had not been in a bicycle shop for many years. A new feature was the cargo bikes that drew 12% of the test rides at the event.
Theo Jorna, CEO of Hicle Inc, the organizer of the E-bike Challenge, said "we have accomplished what we had promised. The E-bike Challenge serves a new and underserved market. We reach the people that the bicycle industry and the bike shops do not reach".
One enthusiastic customer said, "this E-bike Challenge event convinced me to start my e-bike adventure to supplement my 21-year-old VW Golf with an e-bike." Ben, from St Paul, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's last fall, commented, "one of the e-trikes at the show will help me to resume my bike touring with family and friends." And Paul, a landscaper from south Minneapolis, said, "one of the e-cargo bike here with a trailer will be perfect for my garden business."
The exhibitors participating were all very busy at the test track. Gocycle said "the brands that were not participating at the E-bike Challenge, really missed out on this opportunity to reach a new market"
"We're going to enhance our experience in 2023 with an even greater, more experiential E-bike Challenge Minneapolis," said Jorna. "In addition to e-bike test rides, we're going to show opportunities on where to enjoy these new bikes—not only in Minnesota but around the world. Our 2023 event will certainly be an international, must-attend event."
The E-bike Challenge Minneapolis will return to the Minneapolis Convention Center on March 11 & 12, 2023.
For information and updates about E-bike Challenge Minneapolis 2023, go to: www.ebikechallenge.com or contact us for more details.