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Germany Theme country Fiets en Wandelbeurzen 2023

Germany Theme country Fiets en Wandelbeurzen 2023

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December 1, 2022



Germany theme country of the Fiets en Wandelbeurzen 2023


Germany is in the spotlight as the theme country of the Fiets en Wandelbeurzen in Flanders Expo in Ghent (Belgium) and Jaarbeurs in Utrecht (the Netherlands). The visitors will be introduced to the most beautiful routes and areas on the other side of the border.


Germany is 'around the corner' and is easily accessible by train and bus or even by bicycle or on foot. For many Belgians and Dutch, this makes it a sustainable holiday destination, especially if you combine it with sustainable forms of recreation such as walking and cycling. And Germany is never boring. The country has no fewer than 18 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 16 national parks with unspoilt nature and 104 nature parks. With approximately 300,000 km of signposted hiking trails and 76,000 km of long-distance cycling routes, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy nature in Germany.


Cycling along rivers

The cycle routes along rivers in Germany are extremely popular. Many tourists cycle along Elbe, Main, Havel, Weser, Rhine, Danube and Moselle every year. The routes are well marked, car-free and mainly flat. The famous Bodensee-Königssee cycle path offers a completely different panorama, with the Alpine peaks and the fairytale castles of King Ludwig II as eye-catchers.


Range of hiking routes

Anyone who wants to travel through Germany on foot can also choose from a huge range of routes. The most beautiful of these run through hilly or mountainous areas. The Maximiliansweg crosses the Bavarian Prealps and the Rothaarsteig runs over the peaks of the Rothaar Mountains in the Sauerland. The Malerweg follows in the footsteps of artists who captured the bizarre rock towers of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.


Sustainable Germany

Thanks to the good train connections, you can reach Germany in no time. The neighboring country allows you to enjoy the beautiful nature in a climate-friendly way. Spend the night in tree houses, where you can marvel at the clear starry sky in the evening, or become completely one with nature at an eco-campsite. With a walking or cycling holiday in Germany you can easily reduce your ecological footprint through the many sustainable options in terms of accommodation, catering and activities.


Germany at the Fairs

In the Germany Pavilion at the Fiets en Wandelbeurzen, visitors are introduced to the many cycling and walking options in Germany. Near the pavilion there is a theme country terrace, where you can enjoy German specialties. Experienced travelers continue to talk in the Germany lecture room about their experiences on the other side of the border.


Info about the fair:
Info about Germany: