Newsletter 2 April 2024

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Election Cycle Route of the Year 2025

A few weeks after our events in 2024, the starting signal sounds again for the next election of the Cycle Route of the Year. Which route will succeed the Van Gogh Drenthe Cycle Routes in 2025 as Cycle Route of the Year?

Until June 1, 2024, you can register routes for this election via a form on our exhibitor website. Please read the criteria carefully before before submitting a route.

award route of the year

Why this election?

The Cycle Route of the Year is an initiative of the Fiets en Wandelbeurs, part of Hicle. We want to encourage governments and other organizations to set out high-quality routes. Because that is something that cyclists deserve in our opinion. There are no cash prizes associated with the elections.

Spin-off Routes of the Year 

The nominated routes, and certainly the winner, can count on a lot of publicity in the media. In the run-up to the new season, all eyes are on the Fiets en Wandelbeurs and the presentation of new routes. We reach approximately 1,600 press contacts through press releases.

We also present nominated routes in our social media channels and on the websites of the fairs. These routes will benefit from the spin-off of this election for years to come. This is evident from the increasing number of people who cycle such a route. (Photo: Bert Sitters, chairman of the jury)

spin-off Route of the Year

register a route

Cycle Route of the Year 2025

Routes in Europe and beyond are eligible for the Cycle Route of the Year election. This concerns new or recently significantly changed routes. An expert jury, consisting of three experienced cycle journalists, nominates a number of routes and cycles the entire route. All routes are assessed against a large number of criteria. The cycle jury will announce the winner at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs in the Netherlands.

Do you have any questions? Submit them via

More information and registration:


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